Monday, December 11, 2006

baidu start bookmark service

china search company baidustart a new service called bookmark service,similar with,but i think baidu have a very potential market in china ,so he start this service is very wisely,because in china sometimes the google is baned by the gfw,and some of great website from out of china can't go into ,like technoratia blog search website,and baidu start a site called it give baidu more oppotunity to expand the china market.

in china ,most of people surfing on the internet used baidu as the search engine,and it
start like wiki service ,post service(like a discuz board)and blog service ,and the famous is mp3 service, so it's a very popular site in china comman people's .

baidu will do better in the future i think ,though i don't like to use baidu ,but google.

by the way ,google china lose more market at locals

p.s gfw is abbrviate of great firewall of china ,very famous in china it zones :P

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